DATE: February 2, 2023
PLACE: Thelma Conway Library
PRESENT: Joan Simpson, Rev. Christina Paradela, George Cleland, Doug Willford, Ann Pinnegar
REGRETS: Tom Wilkinson, Leanne Trewartha
OPENING PRAYER: Christina Paradela led us in prayer.
REFLECTIVE READING: Doug shared a reflection entitled “Out of the Gates and Winning” and related this to the story of David and Goliath and the importance of having confidence in Christ.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: The agenda was approved by consensus.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of January 5, 2023 were approved by consensus. CORRESPONDENCE: None
MINISTER’S REPORT: Christian presented George’s suggestion for the Good Friday Service at a meeting of four clergy but it was turned down. We will have the traditional joint service with Fonthill United. The proposed joint service with four churches for Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday was also turned down so Fonthill United and Wesley United will have joint services. -Ash Wednesday service will be at noon on February 22 at Fonthill U.
-Maundy Thursday service will be at 7 p.m. on April 6 at Wesley U.
-Easter: George will try to get a trumpeter for the April 9 service.
-Palm Sunday: Christina proposed an interactive service with a liturgical drama featuring five stations, six or nine participants and a procession possibly led by a real donkey or a person in costume.
-Good Friday service will be a dramatic reading led b four clergy with all churches at Wesley U. The reading is based one a reflection written by John Bell called “Remember Me Today.” A volunteer will provide sound effects.
-Easter: At the end of the service, a short decovenanting service for Christina will take place. -March 26: Christina will be on study leave. We will ask Christine Early if she can lead worship.
-Regarding plucky when church is closed as in a snow storm, Council agreed to have the worship service led by the minister on Zoom.
-There will be a peace vigil on Feb. 5
-Communion after Lent 1: W & M agreed that communion could be served. -The invitation to Christina to attend a B’hai interfaith service was discussed.
MUSIC DIRECTOR’S REPORT: George reported that the anthems with the choir are going well and it is good to combine old and new tunes for hymns.
-Outdoor sign: George suggested advertising for singers.
-Recital: George suggested inviting members of our congregation in “What’s up at Wesley.”
No report
-Scripture reading onscreen: After discussion on putting the readings on the screen to help people understand what is being read, we decided to try it.
-Holy Humour Sunday: Christina offered to prepare the service and Doug andAnn agreed to participate in the presentation. Joan offered to look up jokes.
CLOSING PRAYER: Christina led us in the closing prayer.
ADJOURNMENT: We were adjourned by consensus.
NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held March 2 at 10:00 a.m. in the library followed by April 6, May 4 and June 1.