In his minister’s report, Rev. Lennox said he was planning to get some of the men of the congregation to help out with the Father’s Day service.
Music Director George Cleland said the choir was coming along and there were more solos from Linda Moore and Doug Wilford coming.
We continued the discussion of wedding fees and decided that the minister’s fee should be $200 and that there should be no administrative fee charged to clients.
Discussion continued on the September anniversary and Leanne was going to put a box in the narthex for members of the congregation to add nominations for past or present members of the congregation to honour. The nomination process will also be in announcements on Sunday and in What’s Up At Wesley.
The sound system was discussed again and it is felt that more mics are needed in the event we have guest performers. These mics are mainly so that the guest performers can be heard on YouTube. George was to get a quote and come back to the committee on this.
We are still waiting for the final quote on the matrix tv system and then it will be presented to council.
It was decided that Rev. Lennox will provide Shawn with orders of worship two weeks in advance. This will help Shawn balance his workload.
During round table discussion, the need for more hearing assist devices was discussed. It was reported that two additional devices have already been ordered.
Our next W&M meeting will be on Sept. 5, 2024 in the library.