Present: Heather Denoncourt (M&P), Del Fraipont (Property), Shelley Gault (Member-at-Large), Joan Simpson (Chairperson), Hugh Graham (Recording Secretary), Lennox Scarlett – ZOOM (Minister), Dave Reed (Men’s Group, Finance), Wendy Reed (M&O, WOW), Carol Sernasie (Member-at-Large), Doug Willford (Regional Council Rep.), Kathy Young (Memorial), Tom Wilkinson (W&M)
Regrets: Bev Cutler (CD)
Welcome/Opening: Meeting called to order at 7:10 p.m.
Chair reminded everyone not to discuss personnel matters outside the meeting.
Opening Prayer: Reverend Lennox
Approval of Agenda, as amended:
Moved by: Doug Willford Seconded by: Heather Denoncourt
Carried: Y
Approval of Minutes of January 16, 2024:
Moved by: Dave Reed Seconded by: Del Fraipont
Carried: Y
- We have received email correspondence from 2 photo directory companies. Brief discussion concluded that a photo directory could be part of the 70th anniversary proceedings in 2026. This suggestion will be made to the Anniversary Committee which will be struck sometime in 2025. Hugh will notify both companies of this decision.
Committee Reports:
Uploaded to the Council section of the website at https://www.wesleyunitedchurch.org/report/commitee-reports/february-2024/)
Christian Development
- No report
- Fees for weddings and funerals – Dave Reed provided background information – after brief discussion, the matter was referred to Worship and Music Committee.
- Much discussion regarding the purpose of funds raised by Fundraising Committee and how to involve other committees.
- The committee is without a leader and does not feel that it can actually create fundraising projects. The members are certainly willing to assist with any events that are being proposed/created by other groups/committees. For example: spaghetti dinner by M&O and the trunk sale by the Men’s Group
Membership & Outreach:
- The Busalpa family will be accepted into membership of Wesley Church on Easter Sunday.
- There will be a Mission & Service reading one Sunday each month – coordinated with W&M
- As reported
Ministry & Personnel:
- No report
- Discussion regarding committees with vacant chairs – chairs are to come from within the committees – use What’s Up at Wesley to advise congregation of committee vacancies
- As reported
Worship & Music
- Looking into the installation of TV screens in the Sanctuary, to replace the projector/screen. One quote reported to date. More work to be done regarding costs.
Board of Trustees:
- No report.
Treasurer’s Report
- The stats report has been completed for UCC.
- Church Hub has been updated.
- Ivy Busalpa has been assisting with finance duties and creating cheques.
- Ivy is too busy at this time to consider being the Treasurer for Wesley.
Regional Council Rep:
Motion: That Wesley United Church Council approve the Category 3 Remit calling for the “Establishment of an Autonomous National Indigenous Organization within the United Church of Canada”
Moved by: Doug Willford Seconded by: Dave Reed
Carried: Y Yes votes = 9 No votes = 2
- “The Untied Church of Canada” is available in Wesley library.
- Launch of the 100th anniversary – service June 8 at Wellington Square Church
- Tri-regional Council meeting is happening May 24 to May 26
Men’s Group
- Congregation breakfast on April 28 at 8:30 a.m.
Women of Wesley
- As reported
Minister’s Report:
- Thank you for all of the well-wishes and prayers
- Back to work in office on Tuesday, March 26
- Lennox and Antonette will be moving closer to Wesley
- Bible Study is an ongoing ministry for Wesley
- Kevin Gruhl was a member of a group known as “The Barn” and they will join us on Sunday to remember Kevin.
- Lennox has 2 book recommendations for Council – “Fishing Tips – How Curiosity Transformed A Community of Faith” and “How To Lead When You Don’t Know Where You Are Going”
- Lennox indicates that he has not been able to do community visits to members who are shutins or those who haven’t been at church for a while because he needs people to go with him.
Business Arising from Previous Minutes:
- Poverty letter – Lennox will bring this back to Council after the clergy meetings which will be forthcoming
- Archives – save pictures for 70th anniversary book – Joan’s daughter has offered to help with the archival project – Del is working on the storage situation
- Vacation Bible School – Lennox is meeting with Victoria Thomas to plan the event – it will be held during the second week of July – volunteers are needed – what kind of promotion/approach will be required?
- Strategic planning – Council will meet in special session to discuss process/plans
New Business:
- Church picnic being planned for June – Wendy provided history of picnics – M&O committee to organize
- Newspaper ads for Wesley – Joan to follow up
- Should have office hours on the Wesley web site
- Wesley Facebook admin is Wendy Varga – how do we get this changed?
- Finance Committee requires advance notice for cheques
- A central contact point is needed for communication within/without the church – this should be the church office administrator – event booking/reservations – Wesley events should have priority
- Advance copies of the Sunday service Powerpoint should be provided to the sound room technicians so that they can rehearse for volume settings, etc.
Chairperson’s Remarks:
Communication. If there’s something you think can be done – or done better – speak up! And that goes for everyone in the congregation, so please pass that message along. That said, Wesley has a strong committee system that was put in place so that each committee could handle its area of responsibility. This means ideas/suggestions need to be presented to each committee for discussion and approval – or not. So speak up, but understand that a new idea may need to go to a committee, which may or may not approve it. Thank you to everyone for coming to the meeting, for your ideas and discussion and for giving time to the church.
Closing Prayer: offered by Lennox
Moved by: Shelley Gault Seconded by: Del Fraipont
Carried: Y
Next Meeting: Tuesday April 16, 2024 or by Call of the Chair
Chairperson:________________________________________ Joan Simpson
Secretary:__________________________________________ Hugh Graham