Our Congregation at Wesley United Church is a part of the United Church of Canada, a progressive denomination of the Christian faith.
Our Congregation at Wesley United Church is a part of the United Church of Canada, a progressive denomination of the Christian faith.
We are a church with open doors, and you are welcome here. In time, we hope that you will find a home here and recognize that this is a safe place to explore what it means to know God.
If you regularly attend Wesley United Church we consider you a part of our congregation and a part of our church family. If you have come to feel that Wesley is your home, you may wish to consider “formally joining” our congregation as a full member.
Church membership is a covenant between the congregation and an individual. The individual promises to be a part of the life and work of the church and the congregation promises to support the individual in his/her quest to follow Christ.
Normally, those who wish to enter into membership in this congregation do so through, baptism, confirmation, profession or reaffirmation of faith, or by transfer from another Christian church or another United Church congregation. If you would like to know more about how you may formally join our membership, please contact one of our ministers.
For more information about the United Church of Canada, please visit www.united-church.ca
Rev. Lennox Scarlett hails from the small inner-city community of Franklin Town, Kingston, Jamaica. He attended the Clan Carthy Primary School and Kingston College and is one of eleven children, including nine brothers and two sisters.
George Cleland has been an upper strings instructor and assistant conductor for Niagara Youth Orchestra, an instructor for Suzuki Niagara, and on staff at Brock University since 2003.
Tom Wilkinson is a former newspaper editor who brings his writing, editing and computer skills to the office.
When she’s not working at Wesley, she can be found teaching art classes, summer camp or babysitting!
Nursery Co-ordinator
Bea Sager has been cleaning up after us at Wesley United since 1992.
— Luke 4:18-20
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