What’s Up At Wesley?

Thurs, Sept. 12, 2024


Newsletter for Wesley United Church, Welland

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SUNDAY WORSHIP AT WESLEY – Sept. 15 2024, 10 am


CLICK HERE to watch the Wesley Worship Services Live.



Dinner theatre and Silent Auction – Saturday, October 5th – Silver Spire Dinner Theatre Productions presents A. R. Gurney’s classic, two person romantic drama, “Love Letters”. Melissa and Andrew have been exchanging letters their whole lives through their childhood, college years, WW2, and into their sixties. Exchanging in dramatic readings of the souvenirs of a lifetime’s friendship, John Sweeney and Karen Thacker will bring these letters to life in an hour of wonderful theatre at the church.

Dinner will be served at 5:30, the show will begin at 7, and the Silent Auction will open at 4 pm.

The evening will also include a delicious pasta supper, a variety of desserts and a Silent Auction. Tickets for the dinner and the show are “Pay what you are able”, (register in advance and pay at the door) with all proceeds, after costs, going to the Chugger Retirement Fund. You must register in advance to reserve your seats after church on Sundays in September or by contacting the Silver Spire United Church office,  366 St Paul St, St. Catharines, 905-682-8328.

Enjoy this heartwarming drama, a wonderful meal, great auction items and a table full of friends, while at the same time supporting our fundraising efforts for the church.



The next Wesley Walk will be on Wednesday, September 18th at 8 am.  We will park and begin our walk at the canal bank at the east end of Thorold Road. Anyone is welcome to join us on our 40 minute leisure walk.

The Steve Bauer Walking Trail south of Port Robinson Road, Fonthill



God is Spirit – John 4.24

You are in the Spirit – Rom. 8.9

God dwells in you – Rom. 8.9



Wesley will be collecting items for community folks who need a little help, starting on Sunday, Sept 15th until Thanksgiving Sunday, Oct 15th. As the cost of everything continues to rise, so does the need for us to help. Please give generously. Whatever you can give will be greatly appreciated. The items we collect will be given to the Hope Centre to distribute to those in need. Thank you for caring so much for caring for others. – your Outreach Committee.



A very successful Community Barbecue was held on the front lawn of Wesley Church on September 7th.  Many people attended. The event was very successful. Thanks to the generosity of those attending, $567.25 was raised for Jasper Fire Relief. This money will be sent to the Northern Spirit Regional Council of the United Church of Canada which is co-ordinating relief efforts.

Wesley men preparing the food for the BBQ


Birchway Niagara (formerly Women’s Place) Fundraising Draw

30 chances to win this November!

Change lives in your community when you buy an Allied Against Abuse Daily Raffle ticket this fall! Tickets will go on sale September 6th for ONLY $10 (cash only). Each ticket gives you a chance to win EVERY DAY during Woman Abuse Prevention Month in November

Get your ticket by Oct. 14 and you will also be entered to win the Early Bird draw on Oct. 16. That’s 31 chances to win… and you can win more than once! Over $10,000 in prizes, including a grand prize of $1000!

Winners will be announced on Facebook and Instagram.

Sales Locations in Welland:

  • Royal LePage – 637 Niagara St.,
  • Meridian Credit Union – 610 Niagara St.,
  • Salon 22 – 22 Thorold Rd.
  • Trappers Sports Bar – 279 King St,
  • Rice Road Greenhouses and Garden Centre – 1361 Rice Rd.


All Ladies are  welcome to join us on Monday,  Sept.16th at 1:30 in the Church Parlor. We will have a devotional to strengthen our souls, a short business meeting , fellowship and light refreshments.  We are a caring group of women and welcome any who wish to join us.

WOW – Women of Wesley



Fonthill United Church’s bookkeeper/office manager will be retiring at the end of November.
The church is looking to fill this position to start effective Nov.16, 2024.

A copy of the job description is posted on the community bulletin board in our main floor hallway.  It can also be found on the Fonthill United Church website at https://fonthillunited.com/  Interested candidates may send their application and resume to Sandra Harding, Fonthill Personnel Chair at: sharding46@hotmail.com.



The selection committee is excited to announce that Tom Wilkinson has been hired as our new Office Administrator. Tom will begin in his new position on Monday, September 16th. We welcome Tom to the staff of Wesley United and wish him all the best in his new position.



The next Men’s Breakfast will be held on Sunday, September 29th at 8:30 am in the Robins Hall. All men of Wesley are welcome to attend.

Men of Wesley at breakfast



Sept. 12 – Wesley’s Senior Community Event – 1 pm to 3 pm – Activities, games, light refreshments, fun for all. – All seniors of the community are welcome to attend – wheelchair accessible – Come and enjoy the fun – it’s FREE..

Sept. 14 – Youth Activity – 5 to 7 pm – in the Robins Hall

Sept. 15 – Sunday Worship – 10 am- Special Back to school blessing – for all students,  teachers and school administrators. – The Seraphic Voices of Toronto Choir will be our guests. All students are invited to attend.

Sept. 15 – Special Congregational Meeting following the church service to appoint Sandy Graham as our Chair of Trustees and to  separate the  Membership and  Outreach  Committee into two committees.  #1. Membership and Pastoral Care Committee and #2. The Outreach Committee.

Sept. 16 – WOW – WOMEN OF WESLEY MEETING – 1:30 pm in the church parlour – all  women are welcome to attend.  Join us for an uplifting program.

Sept. 17 – Church Council Meeting – 7 pm, Ogwen’s Place

Sept. 18 – Bible Study – 7 pm in the parlour

Sept. 21 – Youth Activity – in the Robins Hall, 5 pm tp 7 pm

Sept. 22 – Wesley United Church Anniversary Service – 10 am

Sept 25. – Bible Study  – 7 pm in the parlour

Sept. 28 – Youth Activity – 5 pm to 7pm in the Robins Hall

Sept. 29 – Sunday Worship – 10 am

Sept. 29 – Mens Breakfast at 8:30 am in the Robins Hall. All men of Wesley are  welcome to attend.

Oct. 2 – Online Prayer Circle – Starts today. The Zoom link will be available.

Oct. 4 & 5 – United Church Regional Council Meeting – With Zoom. Registration opened on September 5th at www.hfrcucc.ca, Horseshoe Falls to sign up and watch the meetings.

Oct. 18th to 20th – Silverfest Conference – Celebrating the Spirituality of Aging – Place –  Silver Spire United Church, St Catharines. To register phone 905-682-8328 or E-mail to office@silverspire.ca